Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Final Exam

                                               4. The photo I have taken on May 8th 2015
This is the photo I chose that best represented the improvement that I have seen in myself over the course of this school year because of the way it captures the true view of how pictures are supposed to appear as. With the even blend between the person and the background

5. The difference between shape and form is shape is a figure that is connected by lines but form comes from the lighting in the background, whether it is pitch black dark, or is extremely radiant in light

6. Pattern is a combination of different shapes and other objects that re-occur. Repetition
is one object or shape that is being repeated

7. This picture best represents movement  because the cars in the back can be easily interpreted as moving even though photos are always inanimate. 

8. Of the last 3 projects, I believe the photo commercial was my best work


Why is this my best work? 
This is to be believed as my best work because it best portrays my role as a photographer. Another reason was because our group did the work on dividing as a team and that's what it's all about. 

How did the project change me?
This project in particular changed me quite a bit. It changed the way I thought about photography and what working in a group can accomplish.

How did I learn to see differently?
This project in particular gave me a feel for photography and what it was meant to do/benefit for me

In the end, I had a great experience learning Digital Photography and I have learned many things that I didn't know was possible. 

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Photo Commercial

Chandini's Photo
Karthik's Photo

Gurbaaz's Photo
James's Photo

My Photo

Friday, May 8, 2015

First Commercial Shoot

This is a picture of James Qiao in the early 1900's before colored photography was invented
Increased photo exposure, changed to Black/White/other minor changes

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Striking a Pose


This would be a perfect representation of someone launching a missile. 
But in this case, he's just removing his camera

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Another Story 2.0

In my last story, three heroes..
Just kidding, it was about Sandwiches
Now to answer the question of what
A sandwich is two pieces of bread
With maybe some Chocolate spread
Maybe it is a exotic type of meat
To me, that sounds very neat
Multi-Cultural week sells these
But what else does one sell there
Which reminds me, Rice too
Lots of different kinds of Rice
Maybe the real question is
What does one define as Rice
Truth is, I know what a Sandwich is

This may be just our schoolyard but this is also where I ate my Sandwich last Tuesday

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Personal Story

A variety of cultures
A variety of costs
It is all about the culture
It is all about the price
Another year goes by at High School
Nothing but overpriced products
Despite the taste of the food
In your head is it really that good
To be spending money on those you can make
Is the thought of a good decision fake
How does one create a sandwich
You must be thinking why make a sandwich
The true question to ask is what is a sandwich
Maybe in the end it is not about the culture